Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Are You Doing Here?!!. . . .

My wedding was not without it's share of drama and humor. In addition to the drama of me getting caught in a sudden, and isolated,
thundershower a scant hour before the wedding ceremony, another
incident occurred which was hilarious and quickly became a favorite
story for both the Wadsworth and Wimsatt families.
George's sister, Margaret, worked for quite a few years at the El
Rancho Drive-In Restaurant in Las Vegas as a Car Hop. It was
located on Charleston Blvd. and Main St. and was a popular hangout
for the young people, both local and out of town.
One day in February of 1951, a car load of young men from Panaca,
who were in Las Vegas to watch the Lincoln County Lynx play in
the Regional Basketball Tournament, pulled into one of the drive-in
stalls. The driver was my brother David. Now, anyone who knew
David, also knew that he had the enviable reputation of being the
world's greatest tease. Well, at least Lincoln Colunty's greatest
tease. He was always at his happiest, and his best, if he had what
he considered the perfect subject upon which to work his magic.
A pretty dark haired woman came bouncing over to take their
order. The story goes that David immediately began to work his
wiles. He soon found that this vivacious, enthusiastic woman
could dish it out with the best of them. They bantered back and
forth as she took their order, and again when she delivered it.
After they had eaten, she handed David the bill and started to
remove the tray. David grabbed it and said, "I've always
wanted one of these. How much will you charge me for it?"
Pretty Woman, "I'm sorry, the trays are not for sale."
David, "Aw, come on, I'll buy it for more than it is worth."
Pretty Woman, "Sorry, can't do it."
David, "Okay then, what if I just drive away with it?"
Pretty Woman, "Are you trying to get me fired?"
David, "Heck no, they aren't going to fire their prettiest and
best car hop over one cheap tray."
Pretty Woman, "Want to bet on that, and I need this job!"
David, "Spoil sport, what if I just do this?" And with that,
he handed her the money plus a generous tip, pulled the
tray into the car and as they roared away, heard her yell,
"You'll be sorry! I'll find you!
Fast forward three months and we find David sitting in the
living room of his parents home on Ina's wedding day. He
was joshing with his sisters and teasing Ina about marrying
a 'Rock Eater' and living in Pioche for the rest of her life.
"A fate worse than death", he said.
Someone knocks on the front door and David saunters over
to answer it. He opens the door and stares into the brown
eyes of a familiar looking pretty woman. They look at each
other in shocked silence, and then in unison, young man and
pretty woman exclaim, "What are you doing here?"
As his family sits with open mouths, and without missing a
beat, Pretty Woman says, " I came for my tray."
David, innocently, "What tray?"
Pretty Woman, "The one you stole."
David, "I didn't steal any tray and besides how did you know
where to find me?"
Pretty Woman, "I have my sources."
David, now a bit rattled, "Seriously, what are you doing here?"
Pretty Woman, "I came to see Sheriff George Wimsatt."
David, "Ah shucks, don't tell me you've come to have me
arrested over a cheap tray, which by the way, I was always
planning on returning. But really, what are you doing here?"
Pretty Woman, "Yeah, I just bet you were planning on re-
turning it, but besides meeting with Sheriff Wimsatt, I am
here for my little brother, Junior's wedding. He is going to
marry Ina Wadsworth today."
David, in shock, "Ina is my sister and she is certainly not
going to be marrying anyone named Junior, she's going to
be married to George Wimsatt."
Pretty Woman, "What? You mean my little Junior is
marrying the sister of a soon to be convicted, thief?"
David, trying to fit it all together...Junior...George...
Sheriff Wimsatt..."Who the heck (I'm not sure heck is the
word he used but for my story, it is the one I will use) are
you lady?"
Enjoying every minute of David's discomfort and laughing so
hard she could barely stand, Pretty Woman says, "I guess I
had better introduce myself. I am Junior's, I mean George's
sister, Margaret Garrison and I'm here with my daughter
Todd Ann, to make sure her Flower Girl dress fits."
As his family were overcome with helpless laughter, a redfaced
David mutters, "Pleased to meetcha" and under his breath,
"Not really."
David did try to return the tray. Margaret refused saying it
was worth every cent that was deducted from her pay check
to watch him squirm. "Besides", she said, "He really is a cutie
and his generous tip paid for the tray.
This is a true story. It is written from my memory and the
accounts of those who witnessed it on that fateful day. Some-
times the Devil really does get his due, but oh how I, and
everyone who knew him, loved that handsome Devil!
A bit of trivia; George was christened George Paul Wimsatt, Jr.
Much to his dismay, as he was growing up, his three older sisters
called him 'Junior'. He hated it. While living in Las Vegas, he and
his sister Betty, often walked down So. 5th Ave. to Anderson's
Dairy where Margaret worked, to get milk and cheese. The
dairy made ice cream, which they sold there, and supplied to
stores throughout the area. Margaret would usually give them
a pint of soft ice cream before it was completely frozen, for
them to eat as they walked home. One day, as they left the
dairy, Betty handed the bag containing the glass bottles of
milk to George and said, "Here, Junior, you carry the milk."
He said, "Don't call me Junior, and why do I have to carry
it?" She answered, "Because I told you to, that's why!"
Thoroughly angry, George said, "No, I won't," put the bag
down on the curb and bolted for home like a frightened deer.
Being an athletic sixteen year old tomboy, she would have
soon overtaken this eleven year old boy, but after chasing
him for a few blocks, she reluctantly went back to retrieve
the milk. Knowing his parents weren't home to protect him,
he ran into the desert by the trailer park and hid until they
returned. Even after his show of defiance, Betty still continued
to call him Junior and insist that he carry the milk.


Rhonda said...

David was a handsome devil! That story is hilarious and so Uncle David. I had not heard that one either. Too fun! Would have been great to have that on video tape!I miss him.........

Ina said...

In regard to Rhonda's post: I can't believe I had not told her this story,considering her love for her Uncle David. It is one of George's favorites. He asked me to post it. Margaret always thought the coincidence of events was amazing and often told us she remembers it all in vivid detail.

The Monrreal's said...

I love that story! Uncle David was really something else. To think the world is so small. I never knew about Granddad being called Junior either. Thanks for sharing this story!

Marie said...

Thanks for telling us that great story about Uncle David. I miss his teasing and his wonderful smile. He sure made life fun.