Friday, January 29, 2010

Muggles is Five. . . .

I've been a good girl. Do I get a birthday present?

What's in here?

A bear and some cookies! Yummm! I'll eat first!

This is my biggest bear so far.

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, it has five sqeakers!

Mom says I better not rip them out!

Muggles celebrated her 5th birthday this month. We took these
pictures of her as she opened her gift. She loved her new bear
but being the chowhound she is, momentarily pushed it aside while
she ate her frosted cookies. Then, it was back to her new bear.
"Wow", she said, "I have never had a toy with five squeakers!"
It doesn't seem possible that it has been almost five years since
Muggles came to live with us when she was just a tiny puppy.
When I first started my search for a Norfolk Terrier puppy, I
had no idea it would be so difficult to find one, and if I did, how
in the world could I convince George that I needed one. And,
if I could convince him, how could we afford one?
The first thing I would do each morning is check all of the ads
featuring dogs for sale on the Internet. On February 16, 2005,
I found an ad posted my Missy StCyr in Baton Rouge, La. She
had two Norfolk puppies for sale, a male and a female. Since
these dogs would have no breeding rights, she was selling for
a reasonable price. Still expensive, but one I thought I could
convince George we could afford. Since my pleading, whining,
and tears were beginning to get on his nerves, he finally
agreed that I needed my own little Norfolk.
That battle won, next I had to convince Missy that out of the
eleven families who wanted a puppy, George and I were the
most deserving. I lobbied hard to convince her, all of it done
by e-mail. At that time, we were visiting in Panaca and Cedar
City, so I was using Pete and Delores' and Justin's computers.
I had lots of good help and suggestions. Lisa was at her parents
home and Paul and Joanne were also in Cedar City. Lisa
answered a couple of e-mails when I was not available and put
in a good word for me, and Justin did the same in Cedar City.
I swamped Missy with stories of all of the dogs in my life from
the time I was a little girl, and about the dogs in my children's
lives as they were growing up and after they married and
established their own homes.
On March 6th, it was official. Missy notified me that she had
chosen George and I to have a puppy. She told me later that
I was a good storyteller and her decision to pick us was based
in large part on those stories. I wanted the female but she
told me that a woman had put a deposit on a puppy before I
contacted her and so she would get first choice. Fortunately,
her sons and husband wanted a male dog which Paula named
Paddington. That meant I had achieved my heart's desire, a
beautiful little red Norfolk female puppy. Missy had kept the
third puppy from the litter, a female she named Isabella.
That took us to the finale hurdle. . . .how to get her to Mesa
from Baton Rouge. Missy refused to fly her cargo and so
George got an early morning flight for Tuesday, April 13th,
met Missy at the airport, picked up Muggles and flew right
back to Phoenix.
And, the rest is history. We have been completely captivated
by this sweet, loving, bossy, sassy, funny, and mischievous
little dog. She weaves her spell on most of those who meet
her. We are very fortunate and very grateful to have her in
our lives. Happy 5th birthday, Muggles! We love you!

That was fun!


Rhonda said...

Wow! Five! that is crazy. When I was at the vet the other day with Kya I was waiting for Dr McNulty and I glanced up at the magazine rack and one of the dog magazines had a picture of a Norfolk and the caption was Norfolk's Cute and Sassy! I thought at the time how true that is. We luv our cute and sassy Muggles! Happy Birthday!

The Monrreal's said...

Happy birthday Muggles! I love this little dog. She is definitely one of a kind and such a cutie.

RoeH said...

I found you. You've been on here about the same length of time that I have. I think I started in February of 2008. I'll have fun reading your posts. Thanks.