Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pictures From Our Honeymoon. . . .

It's that 50's look. Ginger Rogers bangs and 50's skirt.

George's cute sister, Margaret.

At Margaret's in Las Vegas.

Barbeque with all of the trimmings.
Welcome to California,

We enjoyed the barbeque Jack and Lee had to welcome us to
California. George's handsome little brother Art was there, as
were Lee's sister and brother and their spouses..

What a wild shirt I bought George!
He's wearing it cause he loves me!

Smile, you're on Candid Camera!


So happy! Wearing one of my favorite dresses.

Oops! This picture was posted out of order, but isn't he cute!
I love the way he looks in his dress blues.

Hey, this was taken before our famous "burn".
We did have some sun afterall, see the shadow.

Training to be a "sailor boy" sculpted George, he's looking good!

Jack and Lee in front of their house

Can you figure out what George is doing?

This picture is a repeat - same dress.

Jackie and Lloyd - Cute!

On the way to San Diego. How I love the ocean.

To have George looking "spiffy", before he enters The Training Center,
his big brother gives him a final "brush off". Now it's time for me to
say goodbye. Do I really have to?

These pictures have survived for 60 plus years, several moves and a flood.


Rhonda said...

Those pictures are awesome. Some I had seen and some I had not. I loved your skirt in the first picks and the jumpsuit. Dad's shirt was great! He must have been in love and very handsome in uniform! Fun to see some pics of Dad's family. Margaret was so young and cute! Priceless photos!

The Monrreal's said...

What fun pictures!