Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gingerbread Houses. . . .A Christmas Tradition. . . .

Sunday afternoon George and I went to Steve and Rhonda's for
their traditional monthly family dinner. It was a night to observe
family traditions with Mable Burgers, a Gunnell family tradition
being served for dinner and after we ate, helping the little kids
build gingerbread houses. My role was more to watch than to
help. After many years of being in charge of "Gingerbread House
Building", I have been more than happy to pass that role on to my
grandchildren's parents, who just happen to be my kids. It has
been gratifying to know that this family tradition has now been
extended to include Steve and Rhonda's blended family and they
love it, too.
When Paul, Rhonda, and Craig were growing up, part of our
celebration was building gingerbread and candy houses and
decorating sugar and gingerbread cookies that had been cut
into angels, Santa and Mrs. Claus, Christmas trees, stars, and
other Christmas characters.
When my first grandchild, Justin was three, I wanted to start
a Christmas Tradition of building gingerbread houses with my
grandchildren. We have continued this tradition each year since
and my grandchildren have loved it as they passed from child-
hood into their teens, young adults, newly weds, and parents.
Rhonda and Charlotte have posted pictures of this years fun
on their blogs and I have decided that for my Christmas story
on "Growing Up Ina", I will post some random gingerbread
house pictures from past years. I do not have the very early
pictures of Justin and Jeni as I left the picture taking up to
Joanne. Jeni tells me she does have some. I do not have any
of Joshua building a house as from the time he was old
enough to do it, they have lived away from us, even as far
away as Puerto Rico and India. He has built houses, though.
That is one thing that has been so wonderful about this
tradition, if we can not be together, we know that wherever
our family members are, they will be building their ginger-
bread houses at Christmas time. This year, while Miranda
was building hers with us at Rhonda and Steve's, Hannah
was building hers, with her friend Courtney, in Arkansas.
I hope you enjoy this glimpse of my family enjoying a
beloved family tradition through the years.


Colburns said...

I love looking at those pictures! I am so glad you still had some, they have really changed haven't they? I am glad Rhonda has been able to keep the tradition going.

The Monrreal's said...

I LOVE seeing the pictures of all of us building gingerbread houses. Isn't it crazy to see how the building/decorating technique of each of our houses has evolved over the years? Thank you for sharing this family tradition with us many many years ago; may it continue on many many more.

Rhonda said...

This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. I look forward to seeing the joy shared by all those who participate each year. These pictures bring back so many memories. I know Brinton and Trey always loved it, Trey might have loved the candy he ate while building! Thanks Mom!